What is Egyptian Aromatherapy?

The Egyptian Sacred Oils come directly from Egypt and are made in an artisanal way following the ancestral teachings indicated by oral tradition.

Sacred Oils are used through aromatherapy for the balance of the physical, mental and emotional.

It is an alternative technique that aims at the harmonization of mind and body through the balance of the chakras. We remember that these divisions of the spiritual and physical centers of man are the points of psychic power, the energy of which is impossible to measure

The term aromatherapy was first used by French chemist René-Maurice Gattefosé in 1935, it is a natural technique and from a scientific point of view it is not considered part of conventional medicine.

What can be achieved with Egyptian Aromatherapy?

With Egyptian aromatherapy prepared in perfumes, in diffusers or in a bathtub, we can become aware and start working on aspects of life that limit us such as cutting ties with families, partners, or friendships that do not favor us in our progress, problems such as procreation, improving menopausal processes, situations of lack of forgiveness, that do not allow us to love freely, activate our sixth sense or simply connect with divinity among other things.

We have, for example, in Egyptian aromatherapy a Red Amber that is related to chakra 1 and that provides us with the energy we need to cover the basics of life, a Jasmine related to chakra 3 of the solar plexus to help people know their own worth and have a real sense of their identity,   Amber Kashmir works the 5th chakra, throat that is used when we lament, complain, sigh, laugh or shout, the timbre and tone of our voice and the inflections of the speech reflect whether we are open or blocked, and so the rest of the Egyptian Sacred oils that, as you will see, embrace  personal situations  of all kinds.

We also have specific blends that will support you in the process, such as the First Quadriga, which is the mixture of 4 oils + two that will allow you to cut all toxic ties from the present moment to the mother's womb and five generations ago.

In each Egyptian Aromatherapy session you will connect with the oils  you need to restore well-being and happiness in you.
Give yourself permission to be free and happy by reconnecting with the vibration of love within you.
Thank you for existing,

Maria Pestana